Choosing a driving school
The right driving school is accredited according to the MASS RMV and will prepare you to be a safe, confident driver. Driving is a serious activity that requires adequate preparation and practice, and without the right training, a new driver is at-risk of making the wrong decisions on the road, failing a road test, or worse, endangering themselves, passengers, and pedestrians. So we strongly suggest you choose the driving school right for you according to a number of crucial factors we have listed on this page.
Here at Teachers Driving Academy, we are dedicated to providing the best driver's education around. Please compare us with others!
We've have trained over 30,000 teen drivers. YES, over 30,000....We are professionals that take pride in promoting safety among our teen drivers.
More experienced driving schools will be able to tailor their instruction to meet your current comfort level on the road and the way that you learn. For example, some new drivers are very nervous and unsure of themselves, while others may be overconfident. An experienced driving instructor can tell the difference and make sure people of all types succeed in their driving goals.
Make sure the school you choose offers full-service pick-up and drop-off at 'no charge'.
A good driving school will have a high success rate when it comes to people passing their road test on the first try. You can usually just ask for this detail by phone or review a driving school’s website to learn about this. (The TDA's is about 93% on the first try.)
You want the driving instructor that is right for you. We want you to learn from multiple instructors to get a broad spectrum of teaching style; all while learning the same curriculum. You should feel like you are making progress after each driving lesson.
Make sure you ask the prospective school about scheduling lessons, road tests, pricing/payment policy, and their office hours. You want a school that is convenient for you.
These are some of the most important criteria for selecting the driving school right for you. If you would like more information, feel free to browse our website or contact us by phone or email.