If you wish to go on an EARLIER ROAD TEST than you booked today, please follow the instructions below:
1. FINISH all your requirements a MINIMUM of 21 days before your eligibility date to test.
(i.e. lessons, classes, parent class, & paid in full)
2. ONCE this is DONE, go back on our website and click the link to "'Request an earlier Road Test date"
3. Fill out all the boxes in the form and submit it to us that day.
4. We will put you on a 'wait list' and move you up to an earlier road test (*Make sure you use an email that you will check and read on a weekend. We organize the test on the weekends and will email you to confirm you can go on the earlier date. YOU MUST RESPOND to the road test coordinator to accept the spot and be put on an earlier test.)
The date you pick may be later than you want; don't worry. Book the next available date and secure your spot with TDA. Now, complete all your requirements within 21 days of when you WANT to go for your test. As soon as you do this, follow the instructions below to request an earlier date. Please remember, you can't request the EARLIER ROAD TEST date until all your requirements are completed.